Monday, November 25, 2019

Exploring Leadership Styles and How Leaders can Use Social Media to Boost Employee Engagement

In today's workforce, there a many different people in leadership positions as well as many different leadership styles. In this blog post, we will explore some of the different leadership styles and social media strategies that leaders can use to boost employee engagement.

According to Robert Blake and Jane Mouton’s 1964 leadership grid, there are five types of leaders (as cited in Contingent Approaches to Leadership, n.d.) This grid features five types of leadership: impoverished leaders, country club leaders, task leaders, middle-of-the-road leaders, and team leaders.

According to Blake and Mouton (1964), impoverished leaders have “low concern for both people and production and thus exerts minimum effort to get the work done” (as cited Contingent Approaches to Leadership, n.d.). From personal experience, I can tell you this is not a leader you want to have.
Almost twenty years ago, I worked on a sales and marketing team and had the unpleasant experience of working under an impoverished leader. This individual was more concerned about things going on in the outside world than his employees and production.  He consonantly gossiped about the drama in his life, was always was in a bad mood, and he couldn’t be bothered with answering work related questions, would not expect feedback, and he did very little at work. My team members and myself had to solely rely on each other to figure out what was expected for each project and we were even left to train new employees on our team (shocker, shocker high turn-over rate). Needless to say, I only stayed at that job a little over a year before I quit. Not only was that type of leadership and work environment mentally and emotionally draining, I took the negativity home to my family.

The country club leadership style is more concerned about pleasing people than production (Blake & Mouton as cited in Contingent Approaches to Leadership, n.d.). This type of leader is more worried about being people’s friend and avoids confrontation, taking corrective action, and giving constructive criticism (Duggan, 2019). This often interferes with productivity.
The task leader is more interested in production than their employees (Blake & Mouton as cited in Contingent Approaches to Leadership, n.d.). This type of  leader is authoritative and demands quick results and views their employees as commodities to get the job done (Duggan, 2019). This type of leadership is common in factories. Jim Beam’s Sour Bathroom Break case study as discussed in an earlier blog, is a great example of task-oriented leaders. Jim Bean’s production leadership at their Clermont, Kentucky plant was more concerned about production than they were about their employee’s bathroom needs. If leaders only focus on the task at hand, employees’ basic needs are not being met and their morale decreases (Duggan, 2019).

The middle- of-the-road leader balances concern for employees and productivity to  get the job done (Blake & Mouton as cited in Contingent Approaches to Leadership, n.d.). This type of leader shows leniency and allows employees freedom to increase efficiency and performance (Quain, 2018).  However, this type of leadership often tolerates mediocre employee performance, which results in mediocre productivity (Quain, 2018).

Lastly, according to Blake and Mouton (1964), a  team leader “has a high regard concern for people and production and promotes commitment to the organization and to each other” (as cited in Contingent Approaches to Leadership, n.d.).  People that are team leaders hold their employees to high performance and productivity standards and have no issue with taking corrective action when necessary (Quain, 2018).  However, they also promote learning and development (Duggan, 2019; Quain, 2018), encourage performance, reward good performance, encourage employees, (Quain, 2018) and inspire commitment (Duggan, 2019). This is what great leadership is about.

Great leaders are also effective communicators. Part of being an effective communicator is encouraging open two-way communication. Many organizational leaders are using internal social media to do just this. By using an internal social media platform, organizational members at all levels are able to share information and opinions as well as form connections with colleagues (Madsen, 2018). This form of participatory communication can “democratize organizations and empower employees, which is the key to engaging employees” (Madsen, 2018).

Organizations are utilizing internal social media platforms that have similar features to popular social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, etc. (Baer, 2018). In particular, leaders are using gamification, socialization, and rewards platforms to encourage employee engagement. These social media strategies not only increase employee engagement, but also boosts employee morale, performance and productivity (Baer, 2018).

Key points to take away from this blog is that some of leadership styles are counterproductive and are not true leadership. A true leader is motivational and inspirational and leads by example. They are also someone employees can respect, trust, and follow. Moreover, great leadership requires high standards, balancing employees and production, as well as innovative ways to engage employees. When employees are happy and feel valued in their organization, performance and productivity increase.


Baer, S. (2018). Social media proves to boost wemployee engagement . Retrieved from
Contingent Approaches to Leadership. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Duggan, T. (2019). Examples of leadership grid styles . Retrieved from Chron:
Jain, D. (2017). Leadership styles . [Image]. Retrieved from
Madsen, V. (2018). Participatory communication on internal social media – A dream or reality? Retrieved from Instittute for Public Relations :
Quain, S. (2018). Examples of leadership grid styles. Retrieved from azcenteral:


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Exploring Leadership Styles and How Leaders can Use Social Media to Boost Employee Engagement

In today's workforce, there a many different people in leadership positions as well as many different leadership styles. In this bl...